Functional Medicine for Endometriosis


The Facts & Symptoms

Endometriosis affects at least 1 in 10 women.

Endometriosis occurs when small amounts of tissue (endometriosis lesions, similar to uterine lining), grow in places other than your uterus.

The most common sites for endometriosis are around the uterus and ovaries, and on the fallopian tubes.

Identifying Endometriosis

The main symptom is severe period pain.

Normal period pain — a bit of cramping in the pelvis or low back. It does not interfere with daily activities.

Severe period pain — throbbing, burning, or stabbing pain that can last many days as well as occur between periods. It can present in the uterus, and also the legs and bladder. Pain can also occur during ovulation and with sex.

Symptoms of Endometriosis

  • Bladder problems such as urgency, frequency and painful

  • Bowel issues such as diarrhea/constipation

  • Fatigue

  • Low grade fever

  • Bleeding between periods

  • Infertility/recurrent miscarriage

Cause & 4 Theories

Researchers don’t 100% know what causes endometriosis. But there are 4 theories.

Theory 1 — Immune Dysfunction

Growing consensus is that endometriosis is caused by immune dysfunction. Researchers believe that endometrial tissue is laid down before birth and lies dormant until activated by hormones during puberty. Your immune system produces inflammatory cytokines that agitate the lesions and promote their growth.

Theory 2 — Retrograde Menstruation

Characterized by menstrual fluid flowing back through fallopian tubes and into pelvic cavity.

Theory 3 — Dioxin Exposure 

Endometriosis has also been linked to dioxin exposure in the womb.

Theory 4 — Genetics

It is believed that there is a genetic component to endometriosis as well.

The 6Patterns of Endometriosis

From a Chinese medical perspective, the key is to differentiate the pattern.

No two people are the same, no two peoplewith endometriosis have the same exact origin of imbalance.

There are six patterns associated with endometriosis and each pattern is managed differently through acupuncture and herbal medicine. The six patterns are:

1. Liver Blood Stasis

Intense stabbing pain before or during period aggravated by pressure, hard and immovable abdominal masses on palpation, pain is generally relieved after passing clots. Menstrual blood is often dark brown with large clots and is often accompanied with mental restlessness.

2. Damp-Heat

Hypo-gastric pain before the period, sometimes during mid-cycle. There is a burning sensation extending to the sacrum. Menstrual blood is bright red with small or stringy clots with thick and sticky consistency.

3. Blood Stasis due to Heat

Intense, stabbing and possibly burning pain that may be constant or intermittent throughout the cycle. Pain is relieved by passing out clots. Menstrual cycle may be short with heavy bleeding of bright red blood and large clots. Accompanied symptoms are anger, headaches, insomnia and restlessness.

4. Blood Stasis due to Cold

Dull aching pain throughout the cycle and during period. Menstrual blood is dark red with clots, pain is aggravated with pressure and touch but is relieved with application of heat source such as hot water bottle or wheat bags. Accompanied symptoms are cold limbs, sensitivity and aversion to cold.

5. Blood Stasis and Phlegm

Chronic pain throughout the menstrual cycle becoming excruciating painful before and during the period. Menstrual blood can be hesitant at the start becoming very heavy, sticky and clotted. There may be sticky and heavy vaginal discharge, poor digestion and tiredness.

6. Kidney Yang Deficiency

Painful period with abdominal pain relieved with pressure and heat. Menstrual blood is pale, watery and light. Accompanied symptoms are water retention and bloating before period, dizziness, frequent urination, low libido, feeling cold, lower back pain.


Endometriosis is an inflammatory disease,not a hormonal condition. Treatment includes reducing inflammation.

Diet Suggestions for Treating Endometrosis

  • Avoid cows dairy
    Avoiding dairy significantly reduces pain and inflammation

  • Consider avoiding gluten
    Studies have shown avoiding gluten iseffective for 10-20% of women

Supplements for Treating Endometrosis

  • Supplements to reduce inflammation
    The best supplements for endometriosis are those that normalize immune function and reduce inflammation

  • Turmeric
    Reduces the size and activity of endometriosis lesions by reducing inflammatory cytokines that feed the endometriosis

Key Takeaway

Based on which endometriosis pattern you have, we tailor the treatment to meet your needs. Each treatment will also aim to reduce inflammation through acupuncture and other functional medicine practices as this is key in treating endometriosis.

Reach out to book a consult to start your road to regular, pain-free cycles and optimizing fertility.

Call 207.775.2059 or visit our New Clients page to schedule a consultation.


Co-owner of Rocky Coast Integrated Medicine in Portland, Maine, Jason is licensed in the state of Maine, is licensed nationally by the NCCAOM, and is a highly trained expert in the fields of acupuncture for infertility, pain relief, stress management, and more. Book an initial consultation today.


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