Hydration & Electrolytes


Most people are dehydrated and don't drink enough water.

Even with the right amount of water dehydration can result from too little or too much salt and the use of poor quality salt.

A deficiency of electrolytes, or an imbalance in electrolyte ratios, is very common and causes dehydration.

Some indicators of dehydration:

• high or low blood pressure
• stress
• use of caffeine and/or alcohol
• inflammation
• high or low cholesterol
• an aversion to (or a dislike for) water or salt
• unquenchable thirst
• cravings for salty foods
• absent or excessive sweating
• a low salt diet

The need for water to hydrate is VERY CLEAR.

Bodies are over 60% water. However, water alone is usually not sufficient for hydration. Adequate intake of the right salt and maintenance of the right amounts and ratios of electrolytes are as IMPORTANT as water.

Electrolytes are essential.

The primary electrolytes in the body are sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, sulfate and phosphate.

Why are these electrolytes?

When each of these is dissolved in the body fluids they become ions. Ions are electrically charged, positively or negatively. What distinguishes these electrolytes from other charged ions is the marked difference in their concentrations inside versus outside the cells.

This difference in concentrations inside versus outside the cells creates a charge on cell membranes, making each cell a battery. The cell battery provides the spark that “burns” fuel (food) with oxygen. And, in turn, the energy generated from burning fuel charges the cell battery by actively maintaining the wide difference in the concentrations of the electrolytes inside versus outside the cell.

In short, hydrating is synonymous with charging our cells, our body battery.

The quantities and ratios of these six electrolytes are designed to charge our body battery. Once charged cells power muscles to move, nerves to feel, glands to make hormones or enzymes, bones to remodel, ears to hear and cells to reproduce.

Always choose high-quality supplements from trusted sources or DM us for our favorite products. We're here to guide you on your wellness journey!


Co-owner of Rocky Coast Integrated Medicine in Portland, Maine, Jason is licensed in the state of Maine, is licensed nationally by the NCCAOM, and is a highly trained expert in the fields of acupuncture for infertility, pain relief, stress management, and more. Book an initial consultation today.


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