Acupuncture & TCM for Summer Headaches


Headaches tend to sneak up during the heat of the summer months and we're here to share some valuable tips and TCM wisdom to help you find relief and enjoy a headache-free season.

1️⃣ Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can exacerbate headaches. Keep your body well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Incorporate refreshing herbal teas and hydrating foods like watermelon, cucumbers, and leafy greens to maintain optimal hydration.

2️⃣ Protect Your Head from the Sun: Excessive exposure to the sun can trigger headaches. Wear a wide-brimmed hat to shield yourself from direct sunlight, especially during peak hours.

3️⃣ Balance Your Diet: In TCM, summer is associated with the fire element and the energetic quality of yang. During this season, it's beneficial to incorporate cooling and moistening foods into your diet. Enjoy fruits like melons, berries, and citrus, as well as vegetables like cucumber and leafy greens. Avoid excessive spicy, greasy, or heavy foods that may contribute to imbalances.

4️⃣ Seek Acupuncture for Holistic Relief: Acupuncture has long been recognized as an effective treatment for headaches. Our skilled acupuncturists can target specific points on your body to help regulate qi flow, reduce inflammation, and alleviate tension that may be causing your headaches.

Summer is a time for joy and relaxation, and headaches shouldn't hold you back from enjoying it to the fullest. Come in and let us guide you toward a headache-free summer season.

If seasonal support sounds good to you, secure your Seasonal Acupuncture Package of 5 treatments spread across the 5 seasons recognized by TCM, allowing you to connect a little more deeply to the natural cycles of the year and receive support tailored to the current moment.


Co-owner of Rocky Coast Integrated Medicine in Portland, Maine, Jason is licensed in the state of Maine, is licensed nationally by the NCCAOM, and is a highly trained expert in the fields of acupuncture for infertility, pain relief, stress management, and more. Book an initial consultation today.


Fish Oil for Summer Support


TCM Seasons: Summer More/Less